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How it works

Welcome to easy, quick, convenient meal planning with UChooseDinner.

Our extensive database of recipes will satisfy all preferences, budgets, and dietary needs. Try something new with recipes provided by UChooseDinner, or, add your own recipes. With UChooseDinner, the choice is always yours.

Steps to daily, weekly, or monthly meal planning:

BROWSE the database of recipes;
CHOOSE a recipe(s);
ADD the meal(s) to the calendar;
TRANSFORM your meals into a grocery list in seconds;
EDIT your list as needed;
PRINT out your ingredients list.

Benefits of meal planning with UChooseDinner:

OPTIONS: We have a wide variety of recipes to choose from, plus the option for you to add your favorite recipes to the My Recipe Box section. Better yet, you can mix and match.

SIMPLE: Our database is quick and easy to browse by category.

FLEXIBLE: Our meal planner allows you to customize your calendar by choosing only the days you want to plan a meal. For example, I have an understanding with my husband - I don't cook on Fridays. We have leftovers, takeout, or eat out; so Fridays on my calendar are always blank!

SAVE MONEY: You can edit your grocery list. For example, if the recipe calls for salt and you already have plenty, simply remove it from your list before printing. And no more impulse buying: plan your meals for the week, generate your list, and shop for only what you need. Plus, you can research whats on sale before you plan your meals.

SAVE TIME: No more running back and forth to the store because you need one more ingredient. Shop for all your planned meals at once.

HEALTHY EATING: You can edit recipes and your ingredient list to research healthier options and create balanced meals for your family.

Get Started Now!
